Use the link below to find more information and to register. This will take you to a new site. Registration will close July 12 for all divisions.
Player evaluations will take late July (excludes Tee Ball and Coach Pitch); more information to follow.
Please check out our Facebook page (HERE)
CFLLN Board Mission Statement
We work cooperatively to continually improve and expand the Little League baseball, softball and tee ball experience for youth in our community. We collaborate to provide the highest quality fields, equipment, coaching and umpiring within a fiscally sound budget. As kind and dedicated volunteers who love the game of baseball, we will foster an atmosphere that builds character, creates friendships and develops strong players. We are guided by honesty, integrity, good sportmanship and hard work at all times.
Please help support our league
Cuyahoga Falls Stow Little League North
is a 501(c)(3) Organization
Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook!
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 3444
Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223
CFLLN Complex:
4007 Wyoga Lake Rd.
Stow, OH 44224